Revolutionising Digital Security through
User-Based Control Technology

About KIY
Our innovative technology is redefining the possibilities of digital security. The team of KIY experts has devised a cryptography module to speed up and advance the current data security structure. It is a single hardware to help users gain control over the security of their digital assets, files, software, and other valuable information digitally stored online and offline. KIY is fast, safe, and reliable, so users do not have to hand over the responsibility of their data security to a third party.

Established in
A Brief History
KIY was founded by Desmond Hsu and Dr. Joe Qiao in 2001. The two tech experts initially designed the security hardware for the regional HSM (Host Security Module) and KMS (Key Management System) service providers.
Through multiple rounds of refinement and enhancement, KIY is now available for software developers to build cutting-edge security solutions for the end-user.
Why choose KIY?
• 20+ years of industry experience in technical security and marketing.
• Our company primarily focuses on hardware design and IP development for businesses and individuals.
• Offers a unique data security solution.
• We partner with the leading software developers from multiple markets to provide the latest security services.
• KIY has patents granted in 35 countries and is always looking for productive partnerships with leading marketing platforms and channels sharing similar ideologies.
Our Vision
and Mission
To be the global partner of technology providers and enable every individual to secure confidential data in a hassle-free manner without relying on a third party.
Our unique and accessible security solutions empower end-users to encrypt and secure data through a hardware security token. KIY is redefining the industry by redirecting the control in the hands of the user.
With KIY, anyone can have control over their digital assets without relying on others.